Screen Gear Copyright © 1997-1999 Lance D. Hagans ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Web Site: E-Mail: Special thanks to my wife and friend Terry. Screen Gear requirements: 1.) Macintosh or compatible computer running System 7 or newer. 2.) QuickTime 3.0 or newer recommended ( So you can take advantage of WAV and AVI file types ) 3.) Sound Manager 3.0 or newer 4.) Minimum 900k of free RAM 5.) Minimum 1 MB of free hard disk space. Q. What does Screen Gear do? A. Screen Gear is a screen saver and a simple presentation tool. Screen Gear will take a folder of AIFF, PICT, JPEG and QuickTime files and turn them into an elegant slide show, fading one file into the next while playing narration, music or both. Q. How do you use Screen Gear? A. Refer to the "QuickStart" or "Using Screen Gear" section. Q. How much does Screen Gear cost? A.The shareware fee for Screen Gear is $15 for a single copy.